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DW1820a - the general troubleshooting thread


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Hello all,


I have CN-0VW3T3 version and it has been working perfect for past few days (no reboot, 4 days power on time). Connected my bluetooth Apple keyboard from 2009 just fine. Powered off. Upon reboot, the bluetooth keyboard did not recognize at login. I had to plug in another keyboard and after login it did not auto connect to my bluetooth keyboard.  Net I unpaired the keyboard and tried to re-pair it. The login prompt came up but it did not take the inputs from my keyboard number row.


Now when I try to connect, it just says connection failed.


Any ideas? Ideally I'd like the keyboard to work at the login screen, but right now I'd just like it to work at all... (works in windows and in android)


Running Mojave 10.14.4

Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 7.45.17 PM.png

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Try reading over this guide:


You may need to add boot argument brcmfx-country=#a and then brcmfx-driver=1 to boot args in clover, then when in MacOS use configurator add those to your config.plist so you don't have to redo it every reboot.

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Hello, I'm rather lost and I would have liked to take advantage of your knowledge.
I have the DW1820A (CN-0VW3T3) 14e4:43a3 in my xps 13 9350, in C/K/O I have AirportBrcmFixup.kext, in L/E I have BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext and BrcmPatchRAM2.kext. The card being invisible in IORegistryExplorer, I checked FixAirport in clover as Hervé explains in the guide, it appears in ARPT@0. This is where I no longer understand what I have to do. In S/L/E we find IO80211Family.kext and IO80211FamilyV2.kext. You often mention AirPortBrcm4360.kext which from what I understand is in IO80211Family. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't have it alone. Do I have to do other things before I enter the values in clover/devices/Arbitary/properties or is that just what I have to do?
Thank you for your help.


Capture d’écran 2019-10-02 à 18.26.53.png

Capture d’écran 2019-10-02 à 18.25.19.png

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AirPortBrcm4360 is indeed a PlugIn kext of IO80211Family kext (hence why you "don't have it alone"...). Now that you have identified the I/O location of your card, all you need to do is follow the in instructions detailed in the guide, keeping in mind that it may not work properly/reliably on your own laptop.

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I have some problems with the bluetooth also. Handoof works but other devices are not recognized.

I'm trying to apply the method of @Hervé which is there and seems to work fine with him. But I'm having troubles finding where to put the .hex file. I don't find any Resources folder of BrcmFirmwareRepo kext.


I downloaded PlistEdit also.But I don't know how to update the key. Can anyone tell me where I can find explanations on how to do it?



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Update: I was able to extract the files in Windows and able to copy the most recent firmware. So far I have three firmwares: 5974 (most recent, attached below), 5803, and 4689. Every time I tried new firmware, I was able to connect Majic Mouse, however, after a successful connection, it never worked again. any suggestion?


wifi works great!


There is new Dell 1820A (Wifi: 14e4:43a3; BT: 0x0A5C:0x6412) Firmware at this Dell 1820A link . Herve can please illustrate how to extract the firmware?


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You extract the firmware from Windows:  simply run the .exe and opt to extract the files or, if you like like more complicated, open the .exe file with, say, Winzip and extract the files. The .hex firmware files are located in the BT subfolders...


I'm currently running with firmware v5799 and will try this v5974 that you've posted.

DW1820A_BT_firmware_v5799.jpg     DW1820A_BT.jpg


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