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[Closed] DSDT/SSDT Patch request


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Hi EMlyDinEsH,
I've just emailed you my compilation of data, I'd be very grateful if you could take a look at it and help me create a patched DSDT which will allow my Clevo W251ENQ with Intel Core i7 3610QM to function properly.
I'm currently using a DSDT I extracted using Chameleon Wizard and patched myself using MaciASL, and this has allowed me to get my HD4000 graphics working with ig-platform-id 01660004, but I don't understand how to get power management or sound working properly (currently using NullCPUPM and VoodooHDA, which work but aren't ideal).
Anyway, if you could help me out (and maybe explain briefly what you did, or point me to a better resource for learning?) I'd be very grateful. I'd happily donate a beer or whatever if you can get me up and running properly!
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