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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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Thanks, v7 works pretty good on my E6520, and thanks to Bjornw for uploading the version for Mavericks. On both version, I have an issue with dragging while using the trackstick. The left and right mouse click for the trackstick works but can't drag or increase/decrease windows size. Tried specific's advice to change 'Z' value but it doesn't work. Pointer still jumps to the right when you lift your finger from the trackstick.

Can you get the trackstick scrolling to work too? That's the middle button. Right now it doesn't do anything.


thanks again for the great work.


The E6520 and E6530 have the same ALPS but why this kext give me a KP ? :D (the release one not the debug)

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The E6520 and E6530 have the same ALPS but why this kext give me a KP ? :D (the release one not the debug)



I also get KP with version 7 on E6530. Just tried version 6.1 from previous page, no more KP. 


@bpedman, with this version 6.1, the cursor doesn't jump when the nub was release, it's weird that it would on v7. 

Now with v6.1, I can't drag with the trackpoint or with the trackpad, but preference show it load a mouse and trackpad. Also scrolling doesn't work on the trackpad. The Alps device ID is the same as the E5430 E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a.



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I also get KP with version 7 on E6530. Just tried version 6.1 from previous page, no more KP. 


@bpedman, with this version 6.1, the cursor doesn't jump when the nub was release, it's weird that it would on v7. 

Now with v6.1, I can't drag with the trackpoint or with the trackpad, but preference show it load a mouse and trackpad. Also scrolling doesn't work on the trackpad. The Alps device ID is the same as the E5430 E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a.




Yeah it's works fine for me, however, the movement is slow (fix it by increasing the speed of mouse cursor) and i can't drag windows or select anything !!

Thank you anyway !!

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Yeah it's works fine for me, however, the movement is slow (fix it by increasing the speed of mouse cursor) and i can't drag windows or select anything !!

Thank you anyway !!



Try version 5.1, the drag does work with the touchpad, but not with the trackpoint.

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I'm really looking forward to bpedman updating the kext with this finger z fix and inverted side scroll direction.


I'm currently running finger z set to max and stabilise tapping checked. The Track pad is working beautifully. A LOT BETTER than in windows. Much smoother :D


PS. Are the synaptics prefpane settings persistent across reboots. I have to re-set finger z and stabilise tapping on every boot.

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Trackpad is working on my E6500 (including two finger scroll) but the trackstick is not using v7.  Here's what I see in the logs:


VoodooPS2TouchPad(Base) Version 1.8.3 loaded...

VoodooPS2Trackpad: Identify TouchPad command returned incorrect byte 2 (of 3): 0x00

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

VoodooPS2TouchPad(Base) Version 1.8.3 loaded...

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint::identify: Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x62 0x02 0x14, EC=0x10 0x00 0x64

VoodooPS2Mouse Version 1.8.3 loaded...

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint::identify: Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x62 0x02 0x14, EC=0x10 0x00 0x64

Initializing TouchPad hardware...this may take a second.

Touchpad initialization complete.


I don't see any errors about the trackstick in the logs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any idea why after reboot I have to reset the Finger Z value every time. I even tried touching /Library/Preferences/org.voodoo.SynapticsTouchpad.plist because inside of synapticsconfigload I do see a reference to that plist file. However, no changes are ever saved inside of that file. Did I miss a step at install time?


BTW, other than that, everything is almost perfect. One thing is kinda finicky when I grab a window and just drag it somewhere but don't let go it jitters around when my finger is not really moving on the touchpad. It's like shaking...



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Fantabulous !


I have an Inspiron 3520 (3rd gen i5) running 10.8.4 on which BOTH the touchpad AND K/B were unusable.  Mouse movement was jerky and speed unreliable but, much worse, while typing on the K/B, the cursor would randomly jump, highlight and replace previous text.  I had resorted to a USB mouse and keyboard on this notebook !  This is a dual boot and the same K/B issue happened under Win7 as well but the TouchFreeze fixed it over there.  Dell support actually uses that free utility as the official tech fix.  Sure hope that they are donating ;)


I stumbled upon the v7 Alps kext here and now both touchpad and K/B are working great !


Cursor tracking, text selection, window/icon dragging are all smooth and concise AND the terrible K/B behavior has ceased.  For 2 finger scrolling, my fingers need to be a little bit apart or it seems that 2 fingers are seen as one but this in not any big deal. 


Also, the stock Apple Trackpad preference pane just works !


I can't speak to any of the myriad of other possible gesture features that should/maybe working or not 'cuz I don't use 'em but for the basics that I need ... this kext is perfect right now !



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Any idea why after reboot I have to reset the Finger Z value every time. I even tried touching /Library/Preferences/org.voodoo.SynapticsTouchpad.plist because inside of synapticsconfigload I do see a reference to that plist file. However, no changes are ever saved inside of that file. Did I miss a step at install time?


BTW, other than that, everything is almost perfect. One thing is kinda finicky when I grab a window and just drag it somewhere but don't let go it jitters around when my finger is not really moving on the touchpad. It's like shaking...




@bpedman, I was hoping to get a bit of support but so far stuck on my own. I'm a computer nerd of 20 years so happy to do anything that's being asked of me. I've pretty much given up and temporarily rolled back to my EDP driver but hoping not to have to do that. Two issues are still messing with while only gaining one benefit (2 finger scroll) on my Dell E6230.


Problems that are still occurring:

  1. The mouse jitters and jumps a few pixels like I see others posting yet supposedly fixing by adjusting Finger Z value but mine continues to be a problem no matter what Finger Z is set to.
  2. Finger Z value is reset on ever reboot. I've located the prefs files (there are a few of them some that I found by using the STRINGS command on the synapticsconfigload file and the other I trapped via OPENSNOOP command). Yet no matter which prefs file I hack the Finger Z value does not survive a reboot for the life of me. When I execute /usr/bin/synapticsconfigload I get Couldn't open config.plist --- even though the file /Library/Preferences/org.voodoo.SynapticsTouchpad.plist that STINGS identified for me is in place and even has the right Finger Z value.

I'm open to suggestions and would appreciate any help.




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