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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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Hi guys !

i have a Vostro 1710 from dell, and i would like to have my touchpad working in Lion 10.7, but i really could't figure out on how to install it on Lion, so if any of you guys would like to write me a tutorial or a little help on how to install these next, i would be very grateful.


Thanks Guys !



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Hi guys !

i have a Vostro 1710 from dell, and i would like to have my touchpad working in Lion 10.7, but i really could't figure out on how to install it on Lion, so if any of you guys would like to write me a tutorial or a little help on how to install these next, i would be very grateful.


Thanks Guys !

Download version 7

If you're using myHack method, put VoodooPS2Controller.kext in EE, otherwise use kextwizard to install to SLE

Put VoodooPS2Daemon in Usr/Bin

Put VoodooPS2synapticsPane.prefPane in Library/PreferencePanes

Update permission with myHack or kextwizard.


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hi there,

i installed everything just how you told me to,

i rebooted after updating permissions with kext utility, i tried out the touchpad but my cursor was doing weird stuff.

when i touch or move the touchpad the cursor went up and down, it also pressed all kinds of buttons when i was only touching the trackpad.

does somebody have an idea on how to solve this ?

Sorry for my bad english, i'm dutch 


Greets !

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PS. Are the synaptics prefpane settings persistent across reboots. I have to re-set finger z and stabilise tapping on every boot.


This is the problem I'm having too - everything else works perfectly though :)


What's the trick to making the settings persist?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Bpedman,


I run Mavericks.


I have used the Rehabman merge and everything is working! Except 3 finger touch... it makes a beep though when I three finger swipe, could you maybe merge this with the newest Rehabman Voodoops2? As he has now added support for remapping of the 3 finger doing something.


Than you,



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hello everyone


With the help of Jake Lo and other users, we tried to run the ALPS driver on my Dell E6330:


But it did not work, here are the steps I did to install the driver:

1 / Remove ApplePS2Controller

2 / Put VoodooPS2Controller in E / E

3 / Put VoodooPS2Daemon in usr / bin

4 / Put VoodooPS2synapsticPane in Library / PreferencePane

5 / run myHack / myfix (quick)

6 / reboot


After that, the trackpad and keyboard does not work.


I forgot a few things?


I need you.


thank you

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