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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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Wow. @yeahoon, you beat me to it (: Did you branch this off of the Github? If not, make a Github branch and see if they will integrate it to the master branch.


Did you also fix dragging? Mine has that (mostly) fixed. Should be ready by Sat. or Sun. Thank you @yeahoon for your contribution!

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Wow. @yeahoon, you beat me to it (: Did you branch this off of the Github? If not, make a Github branch and see if they will integrate it to the master branch.


Did you also fix dragging? Mine has that (mostly) fixed. Should be ready by Sat. or Sun. Thank you @yeahoon for your contribution!

Will you be able to add scrolling with the trackstick (nub in the middle of the keyboard). I know it works on synaptics.

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@npjohnson and @yeahoon: I just wanted to express my thanks for your continued efforts on revising the drivers and adding support for the ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02 Alps trackpad. Looking forward to testing out the final products!


I'll SECOND that :)

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Just Fix Track Stick Scrolling & Build Release (Tested on E6410 Mavericks - ALPS v3)


@npjohnson: It is “bpedman_merge†branch in Rehabman’s GitHub.

@bmp152 and @bisk: I don’t know how to add new device. I should understand and analyze the code first.


I used latest source from “bledman_merge†branch.


I’ll try to update in GitHub after I understand the code more.




I deleted attached file, please try with no_log.zip file.

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Just Fix Track Stick Scrolling & Build Release (Tested on E6410 Mavericks - ALPS v3)


@npjohnson: It is “bpedman_merge” branch in Rehabman’s GitHub.

@bmp152 and @bisk: I don’t know how to add new device. I should understand and analyze the code first.


I used latest source from “bledman_merge” branch.


I’ll try to update in GitHub after I understand the code more.


Good work yeahoon. But unfortunately it crashes my system. Just tested on an E6530 with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a. Anyway to fix this?

Will try other models and see if this supports it besides the E6410.


Update: Tested on E6420 with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d

The Z value definitely is set at the right sensitivity, no need to set it manually anymore. Also the trackstick don’t jump to the right anymore when finger is lifted. Good update to those features, but trackstick still need some work.
Still can’t scroll with the middle mouse (trackstick), can’t click and drag and movement is a bit slow.  
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@Jake Lo


I hadn't thought of track stick much, but (as multitouch is harder than originally anticipated), I will implement that. I don't really want to post anything up yet as I lost keyboard and trackpad randomly on one reboot ): Still needs work. 


Good news for multitouch! It is "working" 3 finger now not only fires off, but is recognized by the system and just will move from selected file to file in a finder window! How do you enable the vanilla multitouch trackpad PrefPane? Or could someone find the VoodooPS2 multitouch PrefPane (If it exists). Option 2 is to Port over the Synaptics version... more work than the latter.


Thank you.

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Good work yeahoon. But unfortunately it crashes my system. Just tested on an E6530 with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a. Anyway to fix this?

Will try other models and see if this supports it besides the E6410.


Update: Tested on E6420 with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d

The Z value definitely is set at the right sensitivity, no need to set it manually anymore. Also the trackstick don’t jump to the right anymore when finger is lifted. Good update to those features, but trackstick still need some work.
Still can’t scroll with the middle mouse (trackstick), can’t click and drag and movement is a bit slow.  



I think project setting for release build has some problem.

Please check with no_log.zip(debug build but has no log). If you have a problem, try with Debug.zip and share the log.

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I think project setting for release build has some problem.

Please check with no_log.zip(debug build but has no log). If you have a problem, try with Debug.zip and share the log.

Tried the no log version, no difference, so installed debug version for logs

  1. Still no trackstick scrolling
  2. Can't click and drag with trackstick
  3. After scrolling with touchpad and stop with finger still on the touchpad, the page will shake slightly

Added the log so you could see if this could be fix. This is for the E6420



For the E6530, the debug version works, no more crashing. 

  1. Z value is not set, had to use more pressure to move cursor with touchpad
  2. Trackstick not working, can't click and drag
  3. Weird, the page don't shake like it does with E6420 after scrolling and still have finger on touchpad
  4. but the cursor does shake when just moving cursor around and still have finger on touchpad, but not all the time. I think it's because it sensed second finger hovering above 

E6530 log E6530_system.log.zip

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