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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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Running debug version 131207 on E6x30's. While the trackstick scrolling is working, once awhile single left click in like double-clicking. Really weird stuff. Is there any way to change the sensitivity for the trackstick and touchpad without you recoding it and recompile new version each time?


@Jake Lo,


I made issue lists like below, is there another issue?


1. [All ALPS] - Change two finger horizontal scrolling direction.

2. [ALPS v5] - Initialize device

3. [E6x30] - Release version KP

4. [E6x30] - In the scrolling with trackstick, left button click produces double-click

5. [E5x30] - Can't tap to click

6. [All ALPS?] - When detach fingers after two finger scrolling, cursor bounces.


And my opinion is like below,


1. Easy

2. Need to analyze & compare linux, working source code and our source code - This issue will take more times.

3. If we want to find KP point, we need to test with 3 or 4 specialized compiled kexts.

4. Is it correct? Please reproduce the situation and share the log.

5. In my case, I didn't touch any setting in SynapticsPane. I could enable 'tap to touch' with Trackpad setting only.

6. Need to analyze & compare linux and our source code. They are almost same but there's structural differece.

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I Have Multi-Touch!!!!!! Sort of... use this (very similar to Rehab Man Merge, minor fixes for scrolling, no track stick scrolling, maybe I could merge with @yeahoon? (PM me)

Install this kext (and follow VoodooPS2 Instructions, no need to update if you already have the daemon and stuff) and go to "System Preferences" ==> Keyboard ==> Shortcuts ==> Mission Control ==>

1. Click the mission control check and make sure it is checked, then click where the shortcut goes, then push 3 fingers up on the trackpad.

2. Make Show Dashboard the 3 finger right

3. Make 3 finger left show notification center

4. Make 3 finger down show desktop


Finally!!! They are (Somewhat) glitchy, but they work, this is a BETA, don't blame me if its glitchy, but it is a fix.


Now all I have to do is reassign the shortcut to the natural system shortcut and get the Trackpad PrefPane to natively support it...

ALPS Mutitouch.zip

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5. In my case, I didn't touch any setting in SynapticsPane. I could enable 'tap to touch' with Trackpad setting only.


I enable/disable Tap in Trackpad, no help on Dell E5430.


@npjohnson: Your kext works on my E5430, tap to click, multi-touch works fine. Only some glitches left:

- The touchpad scrolls back a bit after stop scrolling.

- The horizontal scroll direction is  reverse.


Thank you very much for the great kext!

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Also I might add that this worked very well on my E6420, though it should work on all ALPS models, @bisk & @bmp152 try this kext and see if your models work, I would be surprised if they didn't...


Thanks for the support everyone!!!


Hi npjohnson! Thanks for the continued work on this driver. I installed the kext and it appears to load but does not find my alps trackpad device id:


12/11/13 8:50:27.000 AM kernel[0]: ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint::identify: Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02
12/11/13 8:50:27.000 AM kernel[0]: Unknown ALPS touchpad, does not match any known identifiers: E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02
I did have mouse tracking, but could not click/drag. Also, the trackpad Prefpane indicates that no trackpad is found. Unfortunately, it seems I am back to reduced functionality with this kext. However, thanks very much for your continued support. If you need me to test anything else, I'm happy to do it!
Thanks again!
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Also I might add that this worked very well on my E6420, though it should work on all ALPS models, @bisk & @bmp152 try this kext and see if your models work, I would be surprised if they didn't...


Thanks for the support everyone!!!


Thanks for the attempt but your build does not seem to have the code to recognize my new trackpad so it just drops back to the PS/2 mouse controller again.  Unfortunately, I'm back to the pre-RehabmanMerge problem.  Bummer :(


Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: VoodooPS2TouchPad Version 1.9.0 loaded...

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: VoodooPS2Trackpad: Identify TouchPad command returned incorrect byte 2 (of 3): 0x00

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: VoodooPS2TouchPad Version 1.9.0 loaded...

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: ApplePS2Controller: Timed out on mouse input stream.

Dec 11 05:30:34 --- last message repeated 1 time ---

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint::identify: Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: Unknown ALPS touchpad, does not match any known identifiers: E7=0x73 0x03 0x50, EC=0x73 0x02 0x02

Dec 11 05:30:01 localhost kernel[0]: VoodooPS2Mouse Version 1.8.8 loaded...

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Darn. Did @yeahoon's kext recognize it? If so, I will see if I can borrow his implementation...


Yes, it definitely does as 2 finger scrolling works but is not quite sensitive enough.  The trackpad.prefPane is active as well.


This is a very polite kext and doesn't seem to log anything, at least not while running in release mode.


It will probably be pretty tough to debug the glitches if you do not own this trackpad but if you want to go for it anyway, that's awesome !  While the main work right now seems to involve trackpads installed 1+ year ago, this bad boy that I and @bmp152 have is only a few weeks old.  So this is much more likely what we'll be seeing on at least the new Dells going forward !


From Info.plist of the working kext ...


    <string>1.7.5, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 2000-2003, David Elliot 2007, RehabMan 2012</string>






    <string>Voodoo PS/2 Controller</string>























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