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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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@adrien240 you should try the yeahoon merge above, it was written my me and yeahoon off of the bpedman base. It has a wider device support and new features. Post your outcome. Happy late new year!!!


Thank you for your answer.


I tried installing Yeahoon merge. It doesn't work. The mouse is not working, the keyboard works.

Positive point : this is the first time I can access to trackpad preference and .prefPane.

This file org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.Daemon.plist is not in the folder. Do I need to use it from Voodoo version from Rehabman Github ?


In the terminal, I have :

mbp-de-idrien:Release_ALPS_131207 iDrien$ kextstat|grep -y ps2

   34    3 0xffffff7f80c01000 0xe000     0xe000     org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Controller (1.8.8) <10 7 5 4 3 1>

   58    0 0xffffff7f80c2a000 0x5000     0x5000     org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Keyboard (1.8.8) <34 31 7 6 5 4 3 1>

   59    0 0xffffff7f80c0f000 0xf000     0xf000     org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Trackpad (1.8.8) <34 31 7 6 5 4 3 1>

   60    0 0xffffff7f80c24000 0x4000     0x4000     org.rehabman.voodoo.driver.PS2Mouse (1.8.8) <34 31 5 4 3>


Everything seems to ok, isn't it ?


Thank you,



EDIT : my IOReg https://mega.co.nz/#!hsExmRbD!EQ32smlZ_FvjcBJxHtOIYiZptDxD52B8jwSelGHFnKE

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Hi All,


I have a E6530 (17 inch with num keys).  I have everything working perfectly except for the touchpad (it works as a mouse but no multi finger or scrolling).  I installed based on these instructions:




Those instructions reference this forum for getting trackpad working, however there is a lot of discussion and folks trying and modifying different kexts to get it working and I'm having problems following everything going on in this forum.


Can someone please summarize what I need to do to get this running?






P.S. I'm running Mavericks 10.9.1.

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@stolidedog Use the yeahoonmerge posted above, it is the most recent one. To install use the link in the first post to the githib install instructions. I know its confusing, I'm gonna see if bpedman will add our kext to the first post.


@adrien240 no need for dsdt work. Maybe PM @yeahoon as he better understands how to add device support, I tried and failed :P, oh and speaking of which...


@yeahoon, I looked into the code from which we started with (bpedmanmerge) and it seems that on some models (a select few) my miltitouch fix is not needed as the system auto fires off the shortcut... no clue why.

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@stolidedog Use the yeahoonmerge posted above, it is the most recent one. To install use the link in the first post to the githib install instructions. I know its confusing, I'm gonna see if bpedman will add our kext to the first post.


@adrien240 no need for dsdt work. Maybe PM @yeahoon as he better understands how to add device support, I tried and failed :P, oh and speaking of which...


@yeahoon, I looked into the code from which we started with (bpedmanmerge) and it seems that on some models (a select few) my miltitouch fix is not needed as the system auto fires off the shortcut... no clue why.

Thanks for the info, I sort of figured it out before you responded.  Here is what I did:


  • Downloaded Npjohnsonyeahoon Merge.zip
  • sudo -s 
  • cd /System/Library/Extensions/
  • find . -name *PS2*.kext
  • rm -rf ./myHack.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext
  • rm -rf ./myHack.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePS2Controller.kext
  • rm -rf ./myHack.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePS2Keyboard.kext
  • rm -rf ./myHack.kext/Contents/PlugIns/ApplePS2Mouse.kext
  • cd /Extra/Extensions/
  • find . -name *PS2*.kext
  • rm -rf ApplePS2Controller.kext
  • cp -R /Users/name/Downloads/Release_ALPS_131207/VoodooPS2Controller.kext /Extra/Extentions
  • cp -R /Users/name/Downloads/Release_ALPS_131207/VoodooPS2Daemon /usr/bin
  • myHack --> myFix --> full
  • Double click VoodooPS2synapticsPane.prefPane to install it
  • reboot
After reboot I got a kernel panic.  Screen shot attached.



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Hi Npjohnson,


I noticed your earlier post where you said the KP can only be fixed by reinstall

I had to do a fresh install of Mavericks from Mountain Lion... No other fix



What does this mean exactly?  Do I have to install Mountain Lion, then install Mavericks, then apply the fix afterwards?  I couldn't find your original post about that, there are 267 posts to look though.  :-P


Anyway, if you can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.



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Nevermind I see above that you did, my bad for the double posting (: hmm... Have you already deleted Appleps2 controler from /S/L/E? I notice that it seems to be loading as well, if you alresdy have, try booting dash f once to see if that fixes it. Sorry... I cant find the dash on the android swype keyboard :P

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