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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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Good day, guys


Here is my attempt, try it with caution. Please leave me any comments if things does not work, or break, or etc. Whenever possible, tell me more about your hardware. It would be very beneficial for both of us.


When this things become more stable, maybe I would make a fork on Github. But now, it works on my E5430. That's enough to motivate me to share this with you guys. This one is forked from the lastest merge of Rehabman and bpedman. So 99% of the credit would go to them *big applause*.


Happy hackings,




Update 1: I have changed the default value of z (pressure), hope it works for you guy all.

Update 2: Get 3-finger swipe and 4-finger swipe works, default map to Ctrl + Alt + Direction (3 fingers) and Ctrl + Windows + Direction (4 fingers).



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Good day, guys


Here is my attempt, try it with caution. Please leave me any comments if things does not work, or break, or etc. Whenever possible, tell me more about your hardware. It would be very beneficial for both of us.


When this things become more stable, maybe I would make a fork on Github. But now, it works on my E5430. That's enough to motivate me to share this with you guys. This one is forked from the lastest merge of Rehabman and bpedman. So 99% of the credit would go to them *big applause*.


Happy hackings,




Update 1: I have changed the default value of z (pressure), hope it works for you guy all.

Update 2: Get 3-finger swipe and 4-finger swipe works, default map to Ctrl + Alt + Direction (3 fingers) and Ctrl + Windows + Direction (4 fingers).

Hi Sontrg,


Tested your kext on the new E7240/E7440 with Haswell.

ALPS Device with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x22


I'm currently using the debug version. 

What works:

Side scrolling

2 finger scrolling 


Still seeing issues from the original kext:


The trackstick jumps diagonally to the right when used - (fixed in Yeahoon's kext)

Trackstick scrolling doesn't work (using tracking and middle button) - (fixed in Yeahoon's kext)

Page jiggles after you scrolling with touchpad 


Thanks for continuing with this kext. Would it be possible if you could fix the Z value for this version here by Yeahoon? The z value is set for the Exx20's but not for  the Exx30's which you have fixed. Also on his version, the debug works while the release version gives me KP on the Exx30's.

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I believe you can use 'release' version of this kext without any panic. My computer is using it, too. I am modifying these kext in my Lunar New Year holiday only due to the KPs given by the others' kexts. I simply cannot stand using the debug version and have my console be spammed like no tomorrow.


Anyway, here is a quick fix for the jiggling problem. Other than that, three finger and four finger swipe work better in this version. About the trackstick, probably you have to wait till this weekend to have a fix, when I have access to another E5530 from my friend with trackstick. I am a little bit embarrased by the situation, but my E5430 comes without it.


Once again, a big thank is what I want to give to you, Jake Lo, for providing me with such information. Please confirm your situation after installing this kext.



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I believe you can use 'release' version of this kext without any panic. My computer is using it, too. I am modifying these kext in my Lunar New Year holiday only due to the KPs given by the others' kexts. I simply cannot stand using the debug version and have my console be spammed like no tomorrow.


Anyway, here is a quick fix for the jiggling problem. Other than that, three finger and four finger swipe work better in this version. About the trackstick, probably you have to wait till this weekend to have a fix, when I have access to another E5530 from my friend with trackstick. I am a little bit embarrased by the situation, but my E5430 comes without it.


Once again, a big thank is what I want to give to you, Jake Lo, for providing me with such information. Please confirm your situation after installing this kext.

Awesome. Using the release version now.

Thanks for the quick fix. Jittery is mostly gone. Only a little jiggle if I have a second finger hovering too close when I move the mouse around the page.

Will wait for your fix for the trackstick scrolling.

This will work great for the E6220, E6320, E6230, E6330 which don't have the trackstick.

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Hey @sontrg me d yeahoon have a great base of fixes for the kext and 3 finger already solved. But if you would pm mee the changes you made to get 4 finger working, we could merge your work into our as we did with yeahoons and my work. (We have amde alot of changes, so it might be easier to get the 4 finger code from you and just inplement it to our source code) thanks so much for your work.

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@Jake Lo: may be this new version can help. Try it. Please notify me about the result. Thank you a lot.


@npjohnson: PM-ed [:

Your version works for my E5430, and it's the best kext around!. I can map 3 fingers and 4 fingers to keyboard shortcut by Keymap4MacBook. Also, no need for synaptics config and synaptics syspref, no need to set z every boot, usable release version, very clean!


Keep up the good work.


P/S: Your kext works with my Synaptics trackpad on HP Elitebook too. Behave the same as RehabMan's main branch of VoodooPS2. Cool.

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@Jake Lo: may be this new version can help. Try it. Please notify me about the result. Thank you a lot.


@npjohnson: PM-ed [:

This is very usable for the trackpad.

Tested on E7440 and E6230.

Will wait to see what you can do with the trackstick scrolling.

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