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New TouchPad driver for E6520 / ALPS


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New update for today: preliminary trackstick support. I'm happy to know what you think about this. What should be done? What should be fixed? Etc.

Trackstick scrolling works! Awesome job.


Here's my finding using the trackstick and the left and right mouse:

Scrolling is reverse ( up goes down and down goes up) 

Side scrolling is also reverse ( right goes left and left goes right)

Sometimes the single clicking with the left mouse, it acts like double clicking


So far tested on E7440, will update on other models

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@Jake Lo: hmm, looks like because I am more inclined to what Apple called 'natural scrolling direction', hence I subconsciously hard-coded it, swipe down and screen goes up, and so on, and so on. I will fix it later, just change a positive sign to negative sign and the other way around. About the double click bug, can you confirm it happened with other model? and on the right click button also? I believe it maybe something wrong with double click speed in trackpad settings (or mouse? - I don't know). Try to heighten and lower that then see if there is anything weird happen. Thank you very much.

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Tried the new driver on my Precision M4400. The trackpad identifies itself as:


     ApplePS2ALPSGlidePoint::identify: Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x62 0x02 0x14, EC=0x10 0x00 0x64


The trackpad itself seems to work fine, but side/bottom scrolling does not and the trackpoint does not.

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@jruschme: Your device itself is an exotic ALPS v2 device. Sadly, most of us here have a v3 devices, hence the support for your device in the code I inherited is almost very basic: no side scroll, only tapping should work. With the trackstick, your chance is even slimmer because currently I have no code for a trackstick v2 in the kext. Adding the support for your device would definitely require a major rewrite, which I cannot do since I have no time and hardware. Maybe I can enable side scrolling for you, but it would take a lot of time, again, no hardware is the cause...

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@Jake Lo: hmm, looks like because I am more inclined to what Apple called 'natural scrolling direction', hence I subconsciously hard-coded it, swipe down and screen goes up, and so on, and so on. I will fix it later, just change a positive sign to negative sign and the other way around. About the double click bug, can you confirm it happened with other model? and on the right click button also? I believe it maybe something wrong with double click speed in trackpad settings (or mouse? - I don't know). Try to heighten and lower that then see if there is anything weird happen. Thank you very much.

Tested on


with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x1d



with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d



with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x22


Trackstick: I swipe down, screen goes down and when swipe up, screen goes up.

Right click works fine. 

Mouse speed is fine.

Here's what I noticed when I use the left mouse on the trackstick:

Click and drag, takes a few attempts before it works. If I hold down the left mouse slowly, then drag works with 1 attempt.

Left click is like double clicks if hold down firmly (quickly). If I click is slowly, then it works correctly too.

So, I think you might be right about the speed.

Not a deal breaker, just want to report it.


Things like to have change/add:

Speed up mouse movement on trackstick

Slow down left mouse so it won't act like double-clicking

Reverse trackstick scrolling


Again, thank you for your time and efforts.

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@Jake Lo: this one should fix the double-click problem. I also reverse the scrolling of the trackstick. Please try and tell me the result. About the more speed up, what do you want? Speed up the scrolling on trackstick, or speed up the cursor? And by what amount do you think appropriate? 1.2x, 1.5x or even 2x? I am not a trackstick user so I really have no clue about this.


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