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Cryptocurrency at OSXL?


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Hi there,

As some of you may or may not know - OSXL is currently looking into integrating a cryptocurrency - the reason behind this is many - but mostly to have fun - and to allow developers and people who help - to be rewarded for the hard work they do.

Unlike other sites that generate their own currency we will most likely go with a coin/token that already is out there - and we are studying a few like: XRP, Kin, Bos, Rise and ETN

Today my attention fel to a new: Initiative Q.

They are running a campaign - if you head over and signup you will get a bunch of coins for free - so head over and signup and let me know what you think:

Link: https://initiativeq.com/invite/HV_cnzp77


Also, if you have any experince with crypto - like development - drop me a message about joining our crypto team.

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