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OSX: Howto disable spaces animation


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Ever wondered if you could get rid of the spaces animation ? - from 10.6.x you can..


To disable the animation, do the following:

Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app.

Copy and paste the following into the terminal window and then press enter:


defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-swoosh-animation-off -bool YES && killall Dock


If you'd like to re-enable the animation, just do the following:


Open Terminal and copy and paste the following into the terminal window and then press enter:


defaults delete com.apple.dock workspaces-swoosh-animation-off && killall Dock



Unfortunately, this only disables the "move directly to a space" animation that that is triggered by jumping to a space with a modifier-arrow key or modifier-number key or switching to a program in a different space. It does not disable the zoom-out/zoom-in animation for moving from spaces overview to a specific space. I use that method of transition fairly often, so it would be very nice if there was a switch for that one as well (or at least a way to speed up the animation).

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