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Dell Inspiron 17r 5721 El Capitan


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By now, you should know that no Intel wireless cards are supported in OS X. Replace it by a supported card or USB dongle. Consult the non-exhaustive list of supported models in the R&D forum section.
Reload BIOS settings, then set HDD mode to AHCI and check that LAN/Ethernet is enabled. You may disable wireless until you change your card.
You graphics card is not initialising so you need to inject the correct Capri framebuffer and enable InjectIntel in Clover configuration. You can use CloverConfigurator to that effect. For mobile HD4000, it should be FB #3, i.e. layout-id 0x01660003.
Alternatively, you may choose to patch your DSDT to inject the Capri-specific information under GFX0 (iGPU) device located at address 0x00020000. If your screen res is higher than 1600x900, you need to set DualLink to 1.

           Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)  // _DSM: Device-Specific Method
                If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
                    Return (Buffer (One)
                Return (Package ()
                    Buffer (0x04)
                         0x03, 0x00, 0x66, 0x01                         
                    Buffer (0x0A)

Since your system is Ivy Bridge, you also need to enable Asus AICPUPM patch in Kernel & Kext Patches tab.


You'll find the LAN kext through a Google search. It's widely available, especially at InsanelyMac.


For audio, identify your codec with DPCIManager app once you're up & running.

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