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Dell XPS L502X - Yosemite (10.10.5) w/Clover, need help on a few items


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no luck on ID'ing the SDCard reader.  I will install the old Windows HD and see if I can't figure it out from there.


As to the wrong SMBIOS I guess I picked the wrong one when doing the Post Install steps with the Clover Configurator.  Given that everything else is working, do I need to change this?

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So a couple of things have transpired since my last post...most significantly I started the install from scratch on a new hard drive.... Sorry if this causes duplicate work!  


In the process of reloading I made sure to select the correct model when doing the SMBios steps and now the system shows as "Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,3" in Sys Info.


So I'm back to the following state:


- no Power Management and need to patch for the nVidia disable item

- no SDCard Reader

- no WiFi/Bluetooth


FIRST OFF... i know I'll need patched DDST/SSDT files.  Can I reuse the ones you previously provided me? (post #7).  

If not I’ve attached the latest from /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Origin folder using the F4 to extract the raw files…. As before I need both the power mgmt and nVidia disable patches.






I have the DW1550 on hand.  I have not installed into the laptop yet…as I’m not sure on the loading steps?  Obviously I need to install it first, simple enough…but after that I’d take whatever help I can get. 



Last post i mentioned I’d look to see if I could figure out the SDCard reader the system has.  I loaded the old window HD and pulled the following about the SDCard reader:

  • JMicron PCIe SD/MMC, MS, xD Host Controller
  • SDA Standard Compliant SD Host Controller

Does this help ID the SDCard reader?  If so, what are my next steps?



As previously…many, MANY thanks in advance!

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Regarding wireless, look here.


For your SD card reader, it's either PCIe or internal USB.

  1. if it's of the former type (which it would appear to be according to your posted description), you can try the DSDT patch where the device is declared compatible with Apple's own Broadcom-based reader 14e4,16bc. The patch is detailed in several thread and posts. If that does not work, you'll need a kext; VodooSDHC kext may work but it breaks sleep/wake.
  2. if the reader is of the latter form, then it should work OOB or not at all; no add-on kexts involved... You should also see it listed in USB section of the SysProfiler, regardless of working status.
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So I've installed the WiFi card...DW1550, it is a support card per the list. 


Dell DW1550 1/2 Mini PCIe 14e4-43b1 BCM4352  A/B/G/N/AC  


Under the Kext(driver) section it shows this:

 DSDT or Brcm4360 patch


I'm assuming this means that either a DSDT patch or driver would work...either case I'd prefer the most permanent fix possible.


I did confirm the SDCard is jMicron and the nVidia card is back.  I've included new screenshots from DPCI Mgr that show this and for good measure I've included a new file from IORegistryExplorer.


I've read multiple threads about patching DSDT's...but as I've previously stated I'm  a newbie and don't want to make things worse (like i did the first time).


Can I beg your indulgence once more and ask for help on these items:


- nVidia disable

- WiFi/Bluetooth Card

- SD Card


I've compressed all files for ease of uploading.


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