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El Capitan on Inspiron 1720


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So I as waiting to see if Sierra would work on my laptop. Realized hardware is too old. However it should not be too old for El Capitan.


I had it working nicely with Yosemite thanks to this forum. Now I'm trying with El Capitan and drawing a blank. I should be able to perform initial install without DSDT like I did with Yosemite with just FakeSMC and ApplePS2Controller. However I get kernel panic.


My files are attached. I've renamed DSDT I used with Yosemite. Does not matter if I use it or not. 


The error I get is


Couldn't alloc class "AppleACPIPlatformExpert", then panic on

"Unable to find driver for this platform: <blah> <blah> <blah> iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp:1665.


If someone can please help me get started.


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@bronxtech - yes I tried with full path. Actually if I'm not mistaken I recall reading post for El Capitan I should not put full path, but I did try.


@herve - The Boot Graphics option. It came with default plist when I burnt Enoch USB. I used it for all my Enoch El Capitan installs - M2400, E6500, E6510. Not sure it is significant. And I tried your VoodPS2Controller, but it made no difference. I tried with -v -f -x. Also with / without DSDT, no difference.


PS - Before I did this I also came across one of your "Vanilla" kernels post and tried that too. 


So I'm going to rebuild my USB stick. Will try to locate latest enoch. I think 2839 is latest. Just need to know if I should use vanilla kernels from Herve or not. I'm going to start with these instructions



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If you're building an Enoch-based USB installer with the manual process I've detailed in all that guide, then yes (of course) you need to manually add the kernel to your USB installer. And yes, you can use the kernel files I posted. Just follow the process listed in the guides.

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Sorry Herve, having bit of an issue. I'm building USB on laptop already with El Capitan. Never did this before and Disk Utility is different. For the life of me cannot figure out how to restore the BaseSystem contents on formatted USB stick. I went to file menu-->Restore. Now what do I select? I don't see BaseSystem.dmg anywhere even though I "opened" it.


So I went to Finder, and from there dragged and dropped BaseSystem.dmg in the "Restore" box. I hope that's correct. Will work through things.

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Herve, Bronxtech. I made good progress.


First, I used FakeSMC, Apple PS2 Controller and Nub, NullCPUPower kexts. VoodooPS2Controller made mouse sluggish.

Second, I recalled without DSDT I had never got this laptop to boot. So I used my Yosemite DSDT.



Ethernet - AppleBCM440XEthernet.kext which I used with Yosemite. Have it at en0

Wifi - OOTB

Bluetooth - OOTB (or maybe had a DSDT patch, can't be sure)

Sleep - DSDT patches done for Yosemite must be continuing to work


Semi Working:

USB 2/4. Side Top and Bottom Rear work. I had USB_Injector.kext prepared on Yosemite. I recall trying to get this working. Problem is I could never locate the USB devices in my DSDT to rename EHC1/2 to EH01/02. For now I will live with 2 USB ports working. Would sure like to know what's going on though.


Brightness - FN + Arrows do the trick. No Brightness Slider but can live with it.


NOT Working:

Battery. Try to check "Show Status in Bar" in Preferences. Will not stick. Must be because using NULLCPM kext. Can I try ACPIBatteryManager.kext and replace NULLCPM.kext? Since I used FakeSMC from D630 pack, I would use ACPIBatteryManager from there I would guess.


HWMonitor and VoodooHDA I will wait until I have above sorted out.


Appreciate any help. Extra folder attached.


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